Friday 7 June 2019

Alternative Fashion = Attention Seeking?

A few months ago my superior at work made which i deem to be kinda inappropriate comment and it's been playing on my mind ever since (I know this speaks volumes about me as a person and doesn't paint me in the best light). The comment was something along the lines of that i try too hard to be alternative and it comes across as desperate  and i'm just fishing for compliments.

This idea had really played on my mind as there have been some follow up comments such as "remove your piercing and your hair colour and you're just like everyone else". i do not understand what they are trying to accomplish with these small digs but i would be lying if i said it didn't get to me sometimes and send me into a bit of an identity crisis. 
For context i should probably explain i personally don't think i am the most alternative looking person, i tend to colour my hair a lot and i can sometimes wear a heavy eyeliner, my only weird piercing is my septum and yes i do favour the colour black. but i do not think i am the most alternative looking person. maybe not normal but i cant fit myself into a specific sub culture as i dabble in a bit of goth, a bit of punk and sometimes even a bit of kawaii (I find myself drawn to Menhera). 

So i ask myself.. Am i too try hard? do i try too hard to be different?

The answer is yes and no.. I do not try hard to fit myself into a fashion sub-culture, i simply like the styles i like and i've liked these styles since i started seeing the rise of it in about 2007. but do i try hard to find these things? Yes, i do. I try hard to find clothes i like and feel confident in that i can't exactly find on the high street. As for my hair, a lot of effort goes into the upkeep of my ever changing hair but i do it because i love it! i don't feel good about myself with brown hair, as someone who wears mainly black my hair is a splash of colour and there are millions of different combinations and styles i can put it in. 

The next part is my style may be attention grabbing but it's not attention seeking. There is a difference. I don't do these things for the attention, i actually just want to feel good about myself. I?ts nice to hear compliments but i don't go looking for them.
It would be very easy for me to chuck a normal colour on my hair, find a crop top, high waisted jeans and white trainers like everyone else my age and fit in but in doing that i'm not being true to myself and it's fair enough if you are one of those girls who follow fashion trends, that's your choice and you're probably rockin' it.

This may seem like I'm just having a rant because one person made a few rude comments about me but what i wanted to get to with this post is a bit of positiveness and a message. 

With today's standards females are expected to look a certain way and we constantly tear each other down for being too different or too normal, too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, not dressing for a body type. We don't want to hear it ourselves so why are we saying this about other girls? when i see a plus size girl in a crop top i don't think "Gross, that's not dressing for your body type" i think "damn, that takes some balls! i envy your confidence" and honestly sometimes one girls confidence is contagious. Let's not bring each other down, let's build each other up!

Trying hard to look a certain way doesn't make you a wanna be, it makes you committed to a look. attention grabbing is not the same as attention seeking and there's no need to de-value someone needlessly and if you are doing that maybe take a deep look into your own insecurities and in trying to find the features you like about others you may be able to discover what you love about yourself.