Monday 10 November 2014

REVIEW: The Fault In Our Stars

So, where do i start with this one. I guess it's Monday, my day foo from everything and my mum asked if i would like to watch The Fault In Out Stars with her. As the film had been proclaimed the "Greatest loves story of our time" i was quite happy to watch it. So let's start with the plot.


The Fault In Our Stars is a film adaptation of the book of the same name (I would just like to say this now, I did try to read the book but after a few chapters I just couldn't get into it at all and went on to read something else to which i will be reviewing soon).

The story is through the eyes of Hazel Grace Lancaster who has thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. Upon being forced to go to a cancer support group Hazel meets Augustus Waters who's osteosarcoma has caused him to loose his leg and long story short they fall in love, but with both of their medical conditions it is not all so easy causing them a few problems along the way. as we skip over many fine details of this story our ending concludes of Augustus dying. But surely i assume if you;re reading this you've watched it yourself.

So that's the plot. Let me start by saying the review is completely bias. I did not enjoy this movie. not to mention this as also all opinion based.
I like how this movie was laid out, in a linear style with the occasional narration (Which i assume is words straight out of the book), it look's good, the visuals are very well done but the story just didn't do anything for me. It was the kind of movie that the entire purpose of it all was to make you cry. I saw no feel good features of it. Occasionally something good will happen such as the two getting the opportunity to meet their favorite author but was quickly taken away from the viewer. I feel like they were trying to glamorize cancer a little, i find it really hard to explain how or why but i know i'm not the only one to feel this way. I have not really watched many movies with the cancer aspect because it is hard to pull off. The only movie i have ever watched that successfully pulled that off was "My Sisters Keeper". But this isn't about that movie.
To me this was not an amazing love story, perhaps it was more spectacular in the book but as for the movie there was nothing special about it. I didn't feel they were all that much in love, maybe it's because I've been accustomed to movie love like "The Notebook". This movie showed that typical teenage love that lasts a few week. There was nothing amazing about the love theme of this movie. Obviously the hurdle of the story is their medical conditions but i'll give the movie credit in the sense that they did try to normalize it but maybe medical conditions shouldn't be the main hurdle in a love story. So what makes this the best love story of our time? In my opinion It's not. Nothing about this film made me think "Oh my god this is amazing". But i asked a friend over skype who loved the movie what she thought. Her answer was that it was amazing because they Hazel overcame her fear of hurting anyone by dying because the love she felt conquered that fear.

There's not more i can say about this film (Ellie, you spent the whole time bitching about how you thought it was shit) other then it's not something i would recommend watching and i think it's over hyped.

I would give it 2/5 stars


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