Tuesday 11 November 2014

REVIEW!! RE: Alistair

I found this game while looking for a dating sim to play, It's shameful but i am a huge fan of dating sims (So you can expect to see more reviews of dating sims) but i find it hard to find free ones in English but i stumbled across this on a reddit page and as it was free downloaded it.

Now for the plot


Merui is a girl on love with a game called Rivenwell Online (An online MMORPG) that she often plays with her friend, Fiona. One day she is fighting a big boss in the game with Fiona, when she was about to serve the finishing blow the kill is stolen from her by another player with the username Alistair. Because he finished the boss off he is rewarded with a rare item (I think it was the blessed stone). About to go into PvP the internet is suddenly cut off. Merui becomes worried that this Alistair will think she chickened out and is eager to get back on the game, when she finally does she realizes that he had logged out at the exact same time. Immediately figuring out that there was a high chance of this thieving character being in the school so she checks to see who was online just before the connection went and narrows it down to three boys. Travis: The president of the computer club. Shiro: Her shy work partner in class. And Derek: The vice president. When talking to Alistair he tells you he will return your item if you figure out who he is in a month. From here on the outcome of the game is in your hands and i have read that there are 5 different endings.

But here's the ending i got.

So basically  i was more interested in getting stats up and was clearly not making the right choices when playing this game because not a whole lot happened for me. i think i overall unlocked only two pictures in the gallery and yes as i said not much happened at all. I found myself seeing Derek more then anyone but when it came down to confronting which one of the boys was Alistair i picked at random because i had no reason to suspect any of them. I thought Travis would have been the more obvious option but too cliche. Shiro seemed too nice to be trolling. and Derek i doubted would have ever heard of such a game but on a whim i selected


Derek. And my guess was right, Derek was Alistair. What happened when i confront of him about it? He pretty much said that yes i had figured it out but when he said i had a month to find out who he was he meant the month of February where there was only 28 days instead of 30. In the end Merui told Fiona that she just had him blocked from his account for breaking the terms and conditions and the game ends there.

Would i call this a dating sim? the way i played it, no. I didn't see any of the boys a potential love interests or that any of thee stories will go that way. 

Will i play this again? Not right now because the story is still too fresh in my mind to read all over again but i do plan to get the different endings in the future because i feel like this game has a lot of potential but i just didn't play it properly.

My overall thought?

Visually pleasing, i love the art style and though it may sound simple, in a dating sim i love the change of a character facial expression as you read the dialogue. I think it was very well translated (I can't remember where i read that it was translated though i could be wrong) as someone who's not a fan of tackling language barriers this was done flawlessly. Not to mention when you get a free game you don't expect much but i love when you DO download these free games and it surprises you just how much work the creators have put in and yet they are giving their hard work away FOR FREE!

If you are a fan of the dating sim/ visual novel scene like me i do recommend this game, it's a very short but gripping game, perfect for light reading.

I give this game  3/5 stars!


Monday 10 November 2014

REVIEW: The Fault In Our Stars

So, where do i start with this one. I guess it's Monday, my day foo from everything and my mum asked if i would like to watch The Fault In Out Stars with her. As the film had been proclaimed the "Greatest loves story of our time" i was quite happy to watch it. So let's start with the plot.


The Fault In Our Stars is a film adaptation of the book of the same name (I would just like to say this now, I did try to read the book but after a few chapters I just couldn't get into it at all and went on to read something else to which i will be reviewing soon).

The story is through the eyes of Hazel Grace Lancaster who has thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. Upon being forced to go to a cancer support group Hazel meets Augustus Waters who's osteosarcoma has caused him to loose his leg and long story short they fall in love, but with both of their medical conditions it is not all so easy causing them a few problems along the way. as we skip over many fine details of this story our ending concludes of Augustus dying. But surely i assume if you;re reading this you've watched it yourself.

So that's the plot. Let me start by saying the review is completely bias. I did not enjoy this movie. not to mention this as also all opinion based.
I like how this movie was laid out, in a linear style with the occasional narration (Which i assume is words straight out of the book), it look's good, the visuals are very well done but the story just didn't do anything for me. It was the kind of movie that the entire purpose of it all was to make you cry. I saw no feel good features of it. Occasionally something good will happen such as the two getting the opportunity to meet their favorite author but was quickly taken away from the viewer. I feel like they were trying to glamorize cancer a little, i find it really hard to explain how or why but i know i'm not the only one to feel this way. I have not really watched many movies with the cancer aspect because it is hard to pull off. The only movie i have ever watched that successfully pulled that off was "My Sisters Keeper". But this isn't about that movie.
To me this was not an amazing love story, perhaps it was more spectacular in the book but as for the movie there was nothing special about it. I didn't feel they were all that much in love, maybe it's because I've been accustomed to movie love like "The Notebook". This movie showed that typical teenage love that lasts a few week. There was nothing amazing about the love theme of this movie. Obviously the hurdle of the story is their medical conditions but i'll give the movie credit in the sense that they did try to normalize it but maybe medical conditions shouldn't be the main hurdle in a love story. So what makes this the best love story of our time? In my opinion It's not. Nothing about this film made me think "Oh my god this is amazing". But i asked a friend over skype who loved the movie what she thought. Her answer was that it was amazing because they Hazel overcame her fear of hurting anyone by dying because the love she felt conquered that fear.

There's not more i can say about this film (Ellie, you spent the whole time bitching about how you thought it was shit) other then it's not something i would recommend watching and i think it's over hyped.

I would give it 2/5 stars


Tuesday 28 October 2014




Right now, i have been using adios since the 15th October, it is now the 28th and i have stopped using it. Why? you may ask, well, i'll tell you why. I do not react well to Adios. Ever-since I've been taking it I've had awful stomach pains, gas, I've been bloated and not the mention the explosive shits! i can see why Adios will help with weight loss because anything you eat doesn't stay in your body for more then 20 minutes! My stomach pains have been unbearable, i keep just crouching over in pain from my stomach to my chest and the pain just strikes randomly. This does not help when I've been jogging every morning because the pain strikes and i no longer feel able to jog more. As for if it actually helps with weight loss i think it does because things don't have time to turn to fat in your body but i think i'm going to lose more weight without them because it means i will be able to jog longer in the mornings without stomach cramps and i found myself hungry after meals when i was on adios (Because everything i just ate came out my asshole) where as i think i'll stay full for longer.

My overall star rating on adios is a 2/5.

This product was complete bullshit and has caused me nothing but hassle, i would not recommend it to anybody!

Will i try a different type of diet pill? well that depends on how my futurer weight improves or not, we'll see.

( If you're wondering the diet i've been keeping whilst on Adios in case what i was eating and doing while on it. basically i was having a small bowl of ready break in the morning, a banana for lunch, and a small portion of whatever my mum had cooked for dinner. I also jogged every morning for an hour despite pains and tried to do it in the evening too. i was walking home from college most days too. so i would say i've been pretty healthy.)

Wednesday 15 October 2014

REVIEW: Adios 1

I was stood in the shower just moments ago and one thought crossed my mind as i looked down at my naked body "I wish i looked like i did 2 years ago" 2 years ago i was a tiny thing with a flat stomach, 34 B cup size, (Small but perky boobs) and looked good in anything i wore. as i look down at my body i remind myself how i cannot wear tight clothes without fear of people seeing my rolls, i'm a 36 D and still popping out a bit (At that stage where a D is too small and a DD is too big, DARNIT!) my boobs look saggy ( which is just not right for an 18 year old) and i have not been able to look in a full length mirror without thinking "EW, what the fuck?!" naked or clothed. the next thought to cross my mine was, "How can my boyfriend even find me attractive anymore?!" though he always says that he thinks i look beautiful i just no longer feel it.

So! i've decided to do something about it. I've joined a gym, I'm working on a fitness schedule and i've got a little tub of adios. This whole review is going to be about what it's like to take it. I am taking it to aid my weight loss, not to try cheat and hope the pills will droop the weight for me. And before anybody says anything i am losing weight for me and only me. I want to feel pretty in my own skin and i want to be able to throw all my baggy tops out the window and be able to wear dressed without being ashamed. I want to be confident when i take my clothes off!.

Now this is going to be quite a long review and i gull i'll update every week or so with if i've lost any weight and how Adios is making me feel.

For starters, let's have a look at the instructions. hmmm,
~Take 3-4 a day at meal times on a calorie-controlled diet. yup i can do that, seems simple enough.
~Do not use if you're under 16, that's cool i'm 18.
~Do not take if you're breast feeding or pregnant, Well I'd be worried if i was.
~Keep out of reach and sight of children. guess i'll just keep them in my bag.

Right, all those boxes are ticked, now lets see the ingredients per pill, shall we?
~Fucus dry extract (45 mg), sounds gross.
~Boldo dry extract (34 mg)
~Dandelion root (30 mg)
~Butternut (20 mg)
The active ingredients include lactose and sucrose. more information can be found on the leaflet provided when you buy it.

Well this is all seeming okay so far, i guess i'll start taking them tomorrow seeing as i've already ate dinner and will not be eating anything else tonight.

For the record, here's a few extras i'm doing as the bulk of my weightloss.

1. I've swapped my regular lunch of a marmite sandwich, packet of crisps, chocolate bar and a coke to an apple, banana and a drink of water.

2. No more energy drinks! this will be one of the hardest parts for me as i am big on my energy drinks, they keep me going through the day but i'll just have to survive without them!

3. I'm going to be walking home from college on selected days. It's a an hour walk opposed to my 30 minute bus ride. I say selected days because i live in England and i hate being out in the rain so if it's chucking it down i won't walk. the days i'll be walking will be Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.due to my time table. i would walk to college but i don't want to be hot an sweaty in college, that and i'm not a morning person and i have college early in the mornings.

4. I've joined my college gym but admittedly i probably will not attend that because i get very self conscious especially with the possibility i could see any of them around the corner in college at any moment and that's just embarrassing.

5. No more junk food! This is another hard one because i spend my weekends with my boyfriend and we always order pizza and stay inside watching films so no doubt he will try and tempt me to eat a butt load of pizza (I prefer not telling him i'm dieting because he always gives my a long lecture about how i look lovely as i am and i don't need any improvement, which is nice but i really am determined)

6. Jogging in the evening. In all honesty it will probably start as walking and slowly turn into jogging because frankly i have not jogged since secondary school, 3 years ago and even then i tried to get out of it as often as i could.

Well, i think that's all for now, i'll update when i can/ when i see it necessary.

Until next time!

{Note: i have just taken a before picture for future reference. but there is no way i'm posting it at this stage. honestly i didn't think it was THAT bad until i looked at the pictures}

Monday 11 August 2014

Everything5pounds.com REVIEW!

So it's Monday the 11th of august at 23:55
and i've decided to review something. but what could i review?? I know!  Everything5pounds.com!!

The dress i bought is size 12-14 (M/L)

the top is size 14

Though i am a size 12 i always get a size bigger simply for it's length and my bust always seems too big for a 12 and it pulls the fabric in creating what i like to call "Armpit boobs". enough about that. This review is going to track the order. I will be rating these items based on delivery time, price, quality and size (Because lets face it. not all shops are as true to size as they claim.

Ok so let's start with my first impression of the site. When i looked on the sight i was honestly expecting to see that it was all from £5 meaning £5 would be the minimum but i was pleasantly surprised. so i started browsing the online shop and i was amazed at just how lovely the items were but also how quickly some things went out of stock. for example, i had spotted a playsuit that i knew my auntie would love (this was around lunchtime when they had just added the newest items) four hours later when she came home from work i got out my phone to show her this playsuit but it had already sold out. in fairness it was lovely!

A few days later i decided to have another look and realised i could refine my search to my size. Immediately my thoughts were "Awesome now i won't have to look at stuff i cant get so it won't waste as much time" but i was quite disappointed by the selection they had in a size 14 and a little disheartened i knowing i could not fit into any of the items i had my eyes on. with this i decided to explore the site using the refine to see what other products were in my size. Eventually i reached the plus size section to find they had more than enough in size 14. Don't get me wrong, the plus size clothes are lovely but at size 14 i honestly don't think i count as a plus size girl. In fact my actually at a healthy weight and size for my height. Curiously i decided to look at all the other sizes in the plus size category to find it went down to size 8. Hmmmm. Now my guess is that it is in the plus size section because went the originally made it it was intended for the plus sized girls (I actually really  hate the word "Plus Sized" but i just can't figure out another way to say it) and they decided to make it in a smaller size too? by request maybe?? who knows?

Let's see what aspect should i go into next?... Hmmmm.. I know. My favourite part about this shop! SIZE 7 SHOES!!! for the last few years i have had to wear men's shoes because i find it very hard to find girls shoes in any size higher than a 6 (Trust me i've looked). I currently own two pairs of girls shoes. Some plane black dolly shoes (that fit perfectly!) and some plain black heels (which are miles too big even though they're a 7). so when i look at the size 7's on this sight i was just so happy to know that i could order some girls shoes at a cheap price! because if there's one thing i've noticed in my years of shopping experience. the larger the shoe size, the higher the price. and that is no word of a lie. I find this true in many shops such as Brantano, Shoe Zone, Asda, Matalan, New Look and those kinds of shops. but i'm not reviewing those ones, am i? So let's get back on topic. THESE SHOES ARE AMAZEBALLS!!! Depending on how this delivery goes i am considering buying quite a few pairs!

That's really all for now, i will post again when i see more i want to talk about on the subject or the clothes arrive. Goodbye for now!!! xxx

Wednesday 13th August 14:35

Just checked my Gmail to see that my item had been dispatched, honestly i thought they would've done this yesterday considering i bought it on Monday but i guess they have to send out thousands of clothes a day so it's pretty understandable. I would just like to point out now, i did not buy these clothes on the same day, i actually bought the top on Friday 8th August and i tracked the order today. It is currently 74 miles away as of 7 this morning so i am expecting it to take a few days longer than expected. I thought i read that i would receive it within 3 working days but i understand that is not always the case when ordering online but hopefully it will update tomorrow so i can see where it is from there. I have just tracked my other item (The dress) and seen it's in the exact same place so if i'm lucky i will get them on the same day. I am hoping i will at least have the dress by Friday because my boyfriend is taking me out for a meal and i don't like wearing the same dresses over and over again but it's no big deal if i don't get it by then.

Just knowing my clothes are 1 hour and 29 minutes away is exciting in itself , i've never actually done tracking my orders before so it's all very new to me. One thing i would love is an estimate of when it will arrive because when i am expecting something i wait for the post man everyday which is okay where i used to live because we would get out post at 9-10 am  but where i live now we don't get our post until 14:30 - 15:30 which really sucks because it means i have to stay in what feels like all day for a parcel that doesn't come and i know if i'm not in they'll leave it with my neighbors buuuuuuut.... They are not exactly savory people... I'm not saying they would steal anything, i'm saying i would rather not go to their house to talk to them. I'm sure they're nice people but, i'm anti social. Why do you think i buy all my clothes online???.

Well that's all i really had today fingers crossed it comes in the next two days. Until then this is what i'll be singing.

Until next time!!!xxxx

Thursday 14th August

IT FINALLY CAME!!!!! Today my top and dress were delivered  and the first thing i did was rip open the packaging and tried them on and i'm more than happy with them!! both were a perfect fit! the material is very high quality and well stitched! I think the only way i could fault this item was on the pink top at the end of it the stitching was very loose and i thought it was going to come out but luckily i had the same colour thread and just secured it myself though i was expecting the stitching to be a bit loose in places because the material was quite thin and i've made a top with that material before (I'm not really sure what it's called but i'm pretty sure it's chiffon) and it can be hard to keep the stitching in but it's not too much work to just fix it up every now and again. as for the dress i think it's perfect. though i had no idea it was a laced back. I usually hate laced backs but this one looks lovely and there is just no way in the world i can complain about anything i've received. I am going to post pictures but not until Saturday afternoon because i want to post them at the same time but i'm not going to take a picture of the dress until tomorrow tonight at the hotel.

I think i will review clothes more often, i have actually really enjoyed doing this blog.

My overall rating for Everything5pounds.com is a definite 10/10! Five Stars!! *****

I will certainly be buying from here again! And so should you!

That's all i have on Everything5pounds.com. Expect my new post soon!

Friday 18 July 2014

Corpse Party: Tortured Souls REVIEW!

Last night i dedicated my time to watching Corpse Party: Tortured Souls, a 5 episode anime series about 8 students and their teacher who preform a charm that goes horribly wrong.


I was hooked on this anime from the beginning where we start in a classroom after school hours where class rep Ayumi Shinozaki is telling a ghost story about the history of the land their school is built on which is a major plot point as this history is the basis of the story. After a slight scare from their teacher Ayumi suggests preforming a charm as their friend Mayu is moving away and this would be her last day at Kisaragi Academy. The charm was called "Sachiko Ever After" It involved repeating "Sachiko Please" in their head nine times then pulling apart the paper doll and keeping the scrap of paper as a symbol of friendship. This is when they are sucked into another dimension and the real story begins.

I won't go into too much detail about the rest of the story because you have either already watched it or plan to. If  you are planning to watch it i suggest you do not go any further as i am about to go into characters and their deaths. Well, It's called Corpse Party. What did you expect?
So let me list these in order of my favourite characters.

1. Seiko Shinohara

Seiko is a sweet somewhat hyper and outgoing girl who always seems to be laughing and smiling even at the darkest times. She is without a doubt my favourite character of them all! i feel like i relate to her more in the sense that she likes to laugh everything off to make her friends feel better. She clearly is very affectionate towards Naomi on both a best friend level and maybe a bit sexually attracted to her (I am taking this from the Anime, the game and the extras for the anime that here not in the series) I was so disappointed to find she dies so early on in the series but maybe that's why she's my favourite character. Because She wasn't around long enough to go crazy or become annoying. Who knows?!

2. Yoshiki Kishinuma

Ok, so maybe i'm just a sucker for a bad boy but i did develop a little crush on Yoshiki while watching this anime (More so in the game where you find out more about him) I absolutely loved how he seemed to try and keep his cool throughout the series and how he braved going back to the school to save Ayumi. I was honestly shocked when he died trying to confess his love for Ayumi. I thought Yoshiki would be a survivor but he died saving the one he loved so i guess it's kind of grossly romantic.

3. Ayumi Shinozaki

Ayumi is a big fan of occult culture and horror. She hints at having feelings for Satoshi thought it's not exactly confirmed though it is possible she grew feelings for Yoshiki in their time spent in the school trapped with only each other though it's not really clear. I preferred Ayumi more to the end of the series, I'm not sure why but i just grew a lot more fond of her. Ayumi is one of the survivors which i was quite content with because she could prevent anyone using "Sachiko Ever After" again. And i just would've been a shame to see her die.

4. Satoshi Mochida

Satoshi is another character that grew on me. When it started i thought he would be one of the first to die because of his cowardly nature but as the anime progresses he gets (Or tries to act) braver for his sister and his friends and you find out just how much he really does care for his friends which is nice. I find he is definitely one of the more purer characters and i was really disappointed about only his arms making it back to their world. (I have heard he can survive in the game but i'm only on chapter 3 of the game so far). Satoshi has feelings for Naomi. This is undeniable! i maybe mixing the game with the series here but it was very obvious that he had a thing for Naomi. Though it was a shame he could never express that. some might even debate he gave his life so that Naomi could live by giving her his bit of paper to return.

5. Ms. Yui Shishido

There is only one reason Ms. Yui isn't nearer the top and that's because i felts she didn't get a big enough part in the anime. I felt like her death was more accidental and unjustified and just ridiculous because it actually made me chuckle a bit, but i think that's because we didn't have enough time to grow attached to her. What i did love about her was her actual selflessness and concern for her students and i feel that if she were my teacher she would probably be a favourite just because of her kind nature and general concern. She died while trying to give her student (Ayumi) An inspirational speech to maker her feel better. That's a pretty bad time to die but it was the thought that counts?? there's not really much else that i can say about Ms. Yui other than i wish we had got to see more of her.

6. Mayu Suzimoto

I think Mayu was very cute but was another character who didn't get the screen time she deserved so i cannot write too much on her. She seemed to have some kind of relationship with Sakutaro weather that is more of a brother kind of relationship or romantic i couldn't exactly tell. I have a feeling if she had more screen time she would've annoyed me but i would've liked to see how the ghosts got to her and how she was when she first arrived to the haunted school. Though it was a shame about her being splattered against the wall this definitely gave the story later on more depth and made it a bit creepier.

7. Naomi Nakashima

Now we're onto characters that annoyed me. Oh no!
I found that naomi was a bit useless throughout the series though through no fault of her own because she obviously got possessed. On thing i did like was that i was actually shocked that she was the one who killed Seiko. Well done to whoever came up with that idea! To be honest i'm not a fan of the kind of more dare i say Mary-Sue characters? Now before you go guns blazing at me let me just explain why i thought this of her character. I thought she more there for a love interest (for Satoshi and Seiko) more than anything and she seemed brave then wimpy then became a hero once again so i was very mixed on how to feel about her. Maybe she just annoyed me a bit because she killed Seiko. Hopefully you get where i'm coming from with this...

8. Yuka Mochida

Yuka is Satoshi's younger sister. Now, I don't think she would have annoyed me so much if i hadn't found out she was SUPPOSED to be 14!!! Characters like this DO annoy me because they are very childish and act as if they are 6. I also didn't like her co-dependency throughout the series  and it honestly didn't bother me when she died (That sounds awful but it's true). If they had put her age younger i might like her more and her actions would be a lot more justifiable but i find her a really hard character to like also because of how naive she was and it seemed she would trust ANYONE with a clean shirt.

9. Sakutaro Morishige

OOOH! How i hated this guy! From the very beginning i knew he was going to be trouble! I have no idea why i did i just did! I could rant for ages about this guy but i wont. as much as i hated him and felt Copious amounts of satisfaction when he died i was glad he was in the story simple because of the scene where he is looking though the pictures on his phone and he gets the call from Mayu asking him to stop looking at her insides. That scene was creepy as hell and i loved it! I also felt he was quite a big part of the story line because we needed someone to go insane and turn on his friends! Did we not?

I am not going to go into the other characters though we can all agree that this is the hottest supporting psychopathic character ever, right?Well, that's my opinion at least!         >>>>>                      >>>>>>>                             >>>>         >>>>>

Overall i really enjoyed Corpse Party: Tortured Souls. I have already recommended it to all my anime loving friends and they have also loved it (Maybe we are just a messed up bunch of people o.O) and now i'm recommending it to you! If you're a fan of horror, gore, animes with plot twists this is the perfect anime! This has even got me playing the games which, let's face it. I'll probably end up reviewing that and comparing it to the anime, So keep your eyes peeled for that. Also if these end up getting quite a few views i am considering making review video's as well as blogs (this is my summer project if you cannot tell) But i don't want to make video's if nobody is going to watch them. Who would, right? (Unless you just enjoy making them yourself then by all means vlog to your hearts content!)

Thanks for reading! and Here's a charming picture to leave you with!