Monday 19 January 2015

REVIEW! Friday the 13th (1980)

Friday the 13th is a new series i will be reviewing starting from 1980 all the way up to 2009. I intend to do one film a night and post the review the following day. The reviews will be in this order.
Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th part 2 (1981)
Friday the 13th part III (1982)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)
So let's get cracking with the very first version of Friday the 13th.


Friday the 13th is an american slasher film that was directed by Sean S. Cunningham. It's about a group of teenagers who are employed to fix up Camp Crystal Lake blissfully unaware of the camps "Death Curse".


The film begins with two counselors of Camp Crystal Lake sneak away from a sing along around the fire to have sex when they are attacked and murdered by a unknown killer (POV shots galore!)

A number of years later a group of teens decide to fix up and re-open Camp Crystal Lake but on the first day are interrupted by a storm closing in. Forced into their cabins each character is picked off one by one by an unseen killer until there is only one of the counselors left called Alice Hardy. After going out to find her make sure her boyfriend is okay turning on the generator she finds him pinned to the door by several arrows with his throat slit. With this she barricades herself in one of the cabins until she notices someone driving in so she runs out to ask to help. She is greeted by an older lady calling herself Mrs. Vorhees. It is then we find out that Mrs. Vorhees used to work at the cam as a cook and her son Jason attended the camp then revealing her son had drowned because two of the counselors were too busy having sex to notice her son drowning. At this point she pulls out a knife and charges at Alice telling her it is her fault and this is when our final fight sequence happens as Mrs. Vorhees relentlessly tries to kill Alice. Mrs. Voorhes voice keeps changing from her own to a more childish but sinister voice Supposedly Jason's saying "Kill her Mummy". Eventually Alice decapitates Mrs. Vorhees and gets in a kayak to stay in until morning. When the sun rises and she is awakened by the police coming to rescue her she gets up to wave but is pulled into the water by a mangled child's body. When she is conscious she wakes up in a hospital bed and is told they dragged her out the water and that everyone is dead. When she asks about Jason the police inform her that there was no Jason leaving her with the notion that he is still there.


Ok so this is the part where i express my opinion on this film.. well... I loved it. It was a true classic slasher film and i never found myself bored or wishing things would hurry up. One of my favorite things about this was they didn't use cheap jump scares to try and freak you out, it was eerie all on it's on (I wouldn't go as far as to call it scary). All the way through the film i found myself very invested to a point where i was talking to my screen telling the characters not to go there (Why do they never listen to me?). Although the basic story line is very predictable (But they always are, it's a convention of horror films) they also did put a bit of a twist on it. I loves that they gave Mrs. Vorhees a split personality she was bat-shit-crazy and i loved it. Not to mention this is very good for it's time. Usually with 80's movies you and pick at it and find plot holes and how things could have been done better but for it's time this is great! I highly recommend this movie to lovers of classic horror and people who hate the cheapness of jump scares.

i give this movie a 4/5 stars!

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