Thursday 29 January 2015

REVIEW! Jason X (2001)

Two more films to go:

Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)


How do i even describe this movie? sheesh. Let's start with why Jason is suddenly on earth? Literally at the end of the last film we say him dragged into hell with badly animated hands. According to the Wiki page it is set 5 years after "Freddy vs Jason" but that film didn't come out until 2003 so obviously the page is wrong or they had planned to make "Freddy vs Jason" during the or before "Jason Goes to Hell".
Production was delayed, maybe? anyway some shit happens and Jason gets put into an "Ice Pod" to preserve his body but he stabs the door and it leeks freezing both him and some other woman. They are found and revived 445 years later in 2455. They unfreeze the lady and for some reason Jason unfreezes and murders people (As usual) no real important characters. Small group left and are being chased by Jason. Luckily some guys robot girlfriend shows up and becomes all badass and destroys Jason. It is this point they get a response from their distress signal and will be rescued in 45 minutes but one half of the ship is damaged and going down. The figure that is the disconnect one side of the ship from the broken half they can wait out the rescue in the better half and this is going well until the machine that heals people begins healing Jason and just as they're about to blow up the other half of the ship MECHA JASON STROLLS RIGHT ON IN! like "Sup".

He's too advanced for the lady robot to fight and they all run on the good half and blow up the half Jason in son. That's all good and stuff but he was clinging on to the door and is smashing his way through so they have to run to the escape place to be rescued. shit happens. They almost all die but like two of them and robot lady are saved. Jason falls to the new earth and into a lake, of course there's a couple there to go "Check it out". The End.

This... This was just awful. I was dreading watching this because i've never heard anyone say a nice word about this movie so my reaction isn't as big because i was set up for disapointment but.. Bad, bad, bad movie. I don't recommend anybody watch this ever in their whole life. That's 93 minutes of my life i'll never get back and on top of that around another 40 minutes writing this review on how bad it is. I'm ready to walk away now and pretend this movie never existed.

-5/5 stars
That bad.

Tomorrows review: Freddy vs Jason (2003)

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