Tuesday 5 May 2015

REVIEW! Parasyte The Maxim (Series)

This is a series recommended by my friend but he refused to tell me any of the story-line, EVEN A BASIC SYNOPSIS in case he over hyped it. So i went in watching this completely oblivious and i'll tell you what, i don't regret it for a second.


Let's zoom through the story line shall we. I will not give any major details because if you have not watched already, i really want you to. If you;re not going to watch it you can go ahead and read someone elses review. Ok Shinichi is a regular high school student when something happens to him (Standard Anime). When he is sleeping a parasyte gets under the skin of his arm and makes its way up but he stops it going any further by wrapping his headphones around his arm. He wakes up in the morning to find out it had eaten his arm and is acting as it. It is curious and learns about the humans  and we find out ir does not have emotions and its prime instinct is to kill and eat humans. I'm going to leave it here because things get a little complicated and i think you should watch it if you have not because i don;t want to make it look like i'm over hypeing it but... THE HYPE IS REAL!

i love this anime though i am rather disappointed that we didn't find out more about the Parasytes such as where they come from. admittedly i did not notice this until one of my friends pointed it out and now it bugs me. DAMN HER! but i think this is actually a new favorite and i hope they make a second series. Need i say more?

4/5 stars all the way!

Saturday 2 May 2015

REVIEW! Blue Exorcist (Series)

Told you i was going to do more anime series OK my intro to this is more of a confession. I have been putting off watching this series for YEARS. My reason for this is a little silly. Basically i role-play on twitter with a character and everything and I've found every Blue Exorcist role-player I've ever spoken to has been a dick or majorly godmodded. It's an on going issue with Role-players because it can shape the way you see an anime series or character. But my friend Sheldon pressured this anime upon me so here we go.


The anime is about a boy named Rin Okumura who (After the death of his adopted father) Finds out he is son of Satan and has inherited his powers unlike his twin brother who was believed not to have received any of Satan,s power (In the form of blue flames). Power unleashed many people and demons want to kill Rin because he may be dangerous. To keep him safe Rin is enrolled in a school which secretly trains exorcists. This is where Rin finds out his twin is actually a teacher there. In the school they try teach him to control his powers while keeping his identity a secret but of course stuff happens and Rin is forced to show his powers in front of his classmates and possible love interest. In the end we find out his twin did inherit power and they must fight to send Satan back to Gehenna (Hell?)

There is actually a whole lot more to this anime then i'm letting on but i encourage you to find out for yourself. I regret waiting so long to watch this series because it's fantastic. A real good watch, with both action and humor they create a perfect combination. Unlike other anime's i do not have a favorite character. Normally in anything i will always pick a favorite but i liked everyone equally in this one. I don't know of it's a good or bad thing really because it either means all the character were THAT good or none of them really stood out enough for me and i don;t even know which one that is. OH AND CAN WE TALK THAT ART STYLE!? WHAT A GOOD LOOKIN' ANIME!

I think that's all i have to say on the subject other than
4/5 stars

See you next week, babe!

Wednesday 22 April 2015

A quick blog update

For the few people that read my reviews. I'm not dead. I have recently been lacking motivation when it comes to EVERYTHING but i'm starting to feel better and a bit more pumped to be productive so i'm back. so to answer a few questions people may have.

When will you review the last Friday the 13th film?

Chances are i wont. I had written it out and somehow lost it in the mess that is my computer. Maybe if it find it. I know some people will be like "why don't you just write another?". I will not because we've all had that thing where we put a lot of effort into something. we lose it. then never want to retry. You get me?

When will your review of AHS season 3 come out?

It wont because i have found series 3 really boring and i actually can't bring myself to watch anymore of that series. may go on to freak show soon though.

What's next?

I've been wanting to watch more anime lately so you can expect a few anime series reviews, other than that it'll probably be movies at random until i find the time to do the Nightmare on Elm Street series like i did the Friday the 13th (One review everyday)

That's all i really have to say. I will be more active here and i've been considering branching out and doing some other stuff here too. My friend recommended writing about politics but i don't know enough about them.

Bye for now and see you next week!

Monday 6 April 2015

REVIEW! American Horror Story Season 2 (Asylum)

All i can say is Meh.


I don't really want to go into detail about this series Story line but basically this series had nothing to do with the last and is set in an asylum. It is all about the pursuit for a mad killer called "Bloody Face" and the conspiracy behind the asylum. It also has to do with aliens? This is not a very ghostly series like the last, in fact the closest it gets is one of the nuns is possessed. but other than that it's reality with aliens.

I found this series to be a bitter disappointment in comparison to the first but this is probably because i tend to dislike anything that claims to be horror with aliens in it. I will will go on to watch series three as i am told it gets better but this one left me quite confused. Don't get me wrong, i didn't think it was awful in comparison to series one, yeah but on it's own it wasn't terrible, i still found myself invested in the story line even if aliens are not my thing. I liked most characters too and how they are portrayed and to an extent i will recommend this to some people as i know some who would enjoy it.

It's the shortest review i've ever done but let's end it here.

3/5 stars. Not as good as the first but still okay.

Saturday 4 April 2015

REVIEW! American Horror Story Series 1

Ok, i honestly don't even know where to start with this one because i'm still in awe from the season finale. I probaby won't go into huge detail about the story line so please don't expect everything to be noted down. If you have not watched AHS I highly recommend it.

When i found American Horror Story i was just looking for some series i could occupy my free time with until the new Game of Thrones season is out but now i'm hooked!


The first episode starts with some back story. A woman comes home from work to find her husband in bed with another woman. We progress onto them moving house with their daughter Violet for a new start into a large house. They are informed someone was murdered there but they take the house anything. weird stuffs happen. The father sees the maid as a sexy young thing but the mother sees her as an old woman. Sexy ghost Tate falls in love with Violet. More creepy shizz happens. Crazy lady next door turns out to be Tate's mother. Her child dies. blah blah. Before each episode we get a bit of back story on the different people who lived in the house. Each person who died in the house haunts it. The mother becomes pregnant with twins. Turns out the twins have different fathers. One father is the dad the other is Tate who had sex with the mum in a gimp suit so she would think it was her husband. EVEN more shit goes down when the fathers mistress is killed and she wants revenge by taking the mothers babies. The gay ghost couple also want the baby but so does the another ghostly lady.Violet kills herself and turns into a ghost but she doesn't know it because Tate has her believe she's alive so he doesn't upset her and tries to make her "Kill herself" so it would be easier on her emotionally but that doesn't go to plan. When the mother and father come to collect Violet the mother goes into labor and has to have the baby in the house where the Ghosts help her deliver the baby. One is still born (The good one) and is now a ghost in the house. The other survives. The mother dies after the birth again becoming a ghost in the house leaving the father the only one alive. When the father tries to escape the house with the baby he is stopped by the mistress and hung. Crazy lady next door steals the baby and we find out that baby is the Anti-Christ. (Fucking yay) so the dead family are to spend the rest of their deaths in the home as the Ghostly Brady Bunch quite happily. When a family tries to move in they scare them away so they will not have to endure the suffering they went through. And the series ends there!

Oh my fucking shit this series was amazing, i can't even put into words how much i enjoyed it. I'm so excited to start watching series 2 after this and i'm curious to see what they'll do next. Like will they follow another family or the Anti-Christ baby or go on something completely different? All i know is you can probably expect my series 2 review soon. I know i missed out some details so i really do suggest you watch it. Its one of the most gripping series I've ever watched and i just cannot even explain how awesome it is. not to mention how HOT Tate is!

I certainly give this
5/5 STARS!!! Recommending this to all my friends

Friday 30 January 2015

REVIEW! Freddy vs Jason (2003)


One more movie to go and that is

Friday the 13th (2009)


I want to start this off by saying that i didn't know there was a whole other Elm Street franchise, I watched the First movie that was bought out in 1984 and the newest one in 2010 so i might have to do an whole franchise review from start to finish like i did this one. But anyway, The intro tells us Freddy's story of how he died, what he became when he died and how he is now powerless because all the people of Elm Street forgot him. He then goes on to tell us that he found someone who can make them remember and on screen we see Jason's hockey mask, so i guess you can say they start the film as allies. (This is set after Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday) and so Jason goes on his killing spree and it scares everyone which gives Freddy the power to come back, i don;t think the deaths in between are overly important but now both Freddy and Jason are on a killing rampage. Knowing that there are two killers after them the team of Teens make a plan to pull Freddy out of one of their dreams so Jason and Freddy will fight (Some how i didn't pick this up while watching the movie, maybe i was texting someone back at this point but apparently it's said that in hell Freddy disguised himself as Mrs. Voorhees to make Jason go out and kill again. I would've thought when Jason when to hell his mother would've already been there but okay, let's roll with this). They successfully pull Freddy out of the dream and as hoped the begin fighting. It's typical but i do love the binary opposites element in this. Obviously they're both evil but the whole Freddy's weakness is fire and Jason's weakness is water. I just really enjoy that aspect of it. but yeah, fight scene. They do a lot of fighting and end up on the dock. Just as it looks like Freddy has the upper hand after slicing Jason's fingers off and stealing his machete, beating him up with it then sticking his craws in Jason's eyes the surviving two teens blow up the dock. Just as this is happening Jason fists Freddy.... Of course i mean punching him through the stomach and clenching his insides (You thought i was going all fan fiction on you) while Freddy stabs Jason with his own Machete then Jason rips Freddy's arm off before they both go flying into the lake. The two teens also jump into the lake to avoid the explosion. The couple crawl out of the water onto the dock which is (Mostly) still there for some reason but see Freddy walking towards them with Jason's Machete. Just as he is about to make one last attempt at killing the teenagers we see Freddy's claw impale him from behind. It's Jason using Freddy's own arm as a weapon against him then he falls in the lake.Shocked by the attack Freddy falls to his knees and drops the Machete so the girl picks it up and slices Freddy's head off setting off an attractive water fountain of blood as his head flies into the lake and his body follows. Thinking it's over the couple high-tail it out of there... BUT!!!.. Are you ready for this?.. In another shot we see Jason emerge from the water holding Freddy's head which looks dead but then he winks and we hear his laughter. CREDITS!

(I don't know if it's intentional or not but letting the audience know both are alive does open up a gateway for new movies in each franchise. For Jason this is in 2009 and Freddy 2010)

I enjoyed this movie because you had the typical elements of both movies (I should have watched all the Nightmare on Elm Street movies before reviewing this really)and they don't really combine until the last battle although the are aware of each other and i think that's what keeps you excited throughout the movie because you;re looking forward to seeing the two evils battle in a fight where there's no predictable out come because there is no good or bad and i imagine it drew in quite a large audience because they bought two franchises together and each fanbase would want their franchise to win. I wanted Jason to win. as much as the movies have been getting on my nerves a bit he is still my favorite out of the two. I really did love this movie though (and this is just me being picky) in the final scene there's a bit of a continuity error. Jason is standing above Freddy and Freddy is on the floor trying to drag himself away but then the angle changed and suddenly Freddy is stood up and fighting. It bothered me.

4/5 stars for this


Tomorrow we end this with: Friday the 13th (2009)

Thursday 29 January 2015

REVIEW! Jason X (2001)

Two more films to go:

Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)


How do i even describe this movie? sheesh. Let's start with why Jason is suddenly on earth? Literally at the end of the last film we say him dragged into hell with badly animated hands. According to the Wiki page it is set 5 years after "Freddy vs Jason" but that film didn't come out until 2003 so obviously the page is wrong or they had planned to make "Freddy vs Jason" during the or before "Jason Goes to Hell".
Production was delayed, maybe? anyway some shit happens and Jason gets put into an "Ice Pod" to preserve his body but he stabs the door and it leeks freezing both him and some other woman. They are found and revived 445 years later in 2455. They unfreeze the lady and for some reason Jason unfreezes and murders people (As usual) no real important characters. Small group left and are being chased by Jason. Luckily some guys robot girlfriend shows up and becomes all badass and destroys Jason. It is this point they get a response from their distress signal and will be rescued in 45 minutes but one half of the ship is damaged and going down. The figure that is the disconnect one side of the ship from the broken half they can wait out the rescue in the better half and this is going well until the machine that heals people begins healing Jason and just as they're about to blow up the other half of the ship MECHA JASON STROLLS RIGHT ON IN! like "Sup".

He's too advanced for the lady robot to fight and they all run on the good half and blow up the half Jason in son. That's all good and stuff but he was clinging on to the door and is smashing his way through so they have to run to the escape place to be rescued. shit happens. They almost all die but like two of them and robot lady are saved. Jason falls to the new earth and into a lake, of course there's a couple there to go "Check it out". The End.

This... This was just awful. I was dreading watching this because i've never heard anyone say a nice word about this movie so my reaction isn't as big because i was set up for disapointment but.. Bad, bad, bad movie. I don't recommend anybody watch this ever in their whole life. That's 93 minutes of my life i'll never get back and on top of that around another 40 minutes writing this review on how bad it is. I'm ready to walk away now and pretend this movie never existed.

-5/5 stars
That bad.

Tomorrows review: Freddy vs Jason (2003)

Wednesday 28 January 2015

REVIEW! Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)

Yet another awful film for me to rant about, slate and give a terrible description of the plot.

So close to finishing

Only three more days left!

Jason X (2001)
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)


This movie was just... AWFUL! In the beginning some sexy lady is having a bath, Jason chases her. She runs out. Turns out it was a trap set by the FBI and they destroy Jason (Finally!) It was this point where i though "Man, this movie might be good" but i was quickly proved wrong. We find out that Jason's heart is still beating and for some reason a guy eats the hear... This bit was never explained. According to the Wiki page (My back up for fact checking) he is hypnotized by the heart but i don;t think this was explained or shown very will in the film. But anyway the dude eats the heart.

(Eh? You see the reference i made there?)

And Jason takes over his body i guess? So now Jason is a body snatcher it's time to leave the morgue and make his way back to Crystal Lake. Or is it? We find out that Jason is looking for his family. WHAAAAAT JASON HAS FAMILY?! Yeah, the plot holes. anyway apparently Jason had a sister who has never been mentioned somehow. Okay, i just read that Diana was Jason's half-sister but that begs the question. Who would fuck crazy Mrs. Voorhees twice?! Okay so he is not looking for the family to be reunited, he actually is looking for them because all the bodies he uses are decaying quickly for some reason and if he puts his heart in another Voorhees his old body will be restored. So he finds Diana and kills her but is thrown out the window by Steve (Diana's daughter's ex boyfriend) so he cant put his hear inside of her. How does one put one's heart in anothers body? well it comes out through the mouth and i kinda looks like poop. So next he has to look for Diana's daughter Jessica who has a baby. Bodies get snatched. People die. Jessica finds out that the only thing that can kill Jason permanently is with a special blade that will only work in the hands of a Voorhees. After a drawn out process of losing the blade under a cabinet and Jason getting his body back because Diana's body was hidden under the floor boars (some scandal i forgot to mention) and Steve trying to fist fight Jason eventually Jessica finally kills Jason. Huge hands come from the ground and drag him down. Jessica and Steve kiss. Where the fuck is the baby?! It's not explained.
Now are you ready for that plot twist ending?! i bet you are! Ready? Here we go!

There was one bit I liked and it was the ending with Freddy's hand because it made me laugh and sets up for two movies time when they do Freddy vs Jason (which i have watched parts of but never the whole thing) Other than that this movie was really shit. The body stealing and how the heart turns into the parasite looking thing and moves across the floor before getting into Diana. The whole set up an execution was just terrible. This franchise needs to stop now, they're taken it too far and it's shit. Not to mention Jason's killing style dramatically changed in this film. There was a part where he took a character (i believe it was a police officer ) and strapped him down and for some reason began to roughly shave him.
(Oh shit. Another reference!)

I'm sat there thinking.. "Jason doesn't plan and torture people. He just gets the job done. Why is this here. It looks like a set up for some kind of torture porn". I have no idea what they were thinking when they released this film. It's that bad! i don't think i even want to discuss it furether because i'll go into a full blown rant.

Another 0/5 stars

Tomorrows Review: Jason X (2001) 

 (apparently this the the worst one out of all of them)

Tuesday 27 January 2015

REVIEW! Friday the 13th: Jason Takes Manhatton (1989)

(Note: This was supposed to go up yesterday but the wifi wasn't working. Sorry for it being a day late)

Hmmm. Let's get this show on the road then.

Only 4 more days to go guys:

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)


No, Just no. I hated this movie so much! Might as well get started on this completely predictable plot. Okay, a young couple are on a house boat and one of then drops the anchor on some kind of power line that awakens Jason. Surely the electric mixing with the water would be a bit more noticeable. Jason comes on board kills the couple then somehow gets on another boat leaving for New York. On that boat there's a girl with child-hood trauma due to Jason trying to pull her down and drown her after her uncle pushed her in the lake trying to teach her how to swim. Of course now she's scared of water and she doesn't know why because suppressed memories and shit. A lot of people die. Some kind of romance between the captains son and trauma girl. They think they've escaped Jason when they get in a life boat and row their way to New York. When they get their Trauma girl get's kidnapped, drugged and almost raped but what is this?! Jason has turned up and killed the fuckers. Jason kills the other needless characters. Some how they wind up in the sewers that for some reason will be filled with toxic waste 10 minutes (something to do with cleaning) The two loved up protagonists miss the toxic waste by climbing up the ladder but Jason gets caught in it and all the skin comes off and stuff but when it's all cleared out Jason is a dead little boy (I don't fucking know either). And that's the film.

No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no, NO! What even was this film? I found myself sat waiting for it to end. And what was that ending about? surely in the next movie it's not going to be kid Jason killing people, right? As you could tell i was struggling to even type out the plot without getting bored. What even is this shit?

0/5 stars. Awful. Just awful.

Tomorrows Review: Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)

Sunday 25 January 2015

REVIEW! Friday the 13th:The New Blood (1988)

All i'm going to say for this intro is... Jason vs Carrie

Forgot what is coming up in the next 5 days?

Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)



Right, okay. I don;t think i'm ready to share my opinion JUST yet so let me walk you through the plot. Jason is once again dead. He stayed put under the water. Tina, our brand new protagonist has Telekinetic powers... Yeah, i know. When she was seven she lived on Crystal Lake with her Mother and Father when one night she sees her Father hit her Mother and runs out to the dock and into a boat with the Father chasing her and apologizing at this point she shouts "I wish you were dead" and the dock caves in on him causing him to drown. there's the back story. Her doctor claims he is trying to help her with her deep set issues but as we find out later on only has plans to expose her gift for his own benefit but now i'm getting ahead of myself. They are going back to visit Crystal Lake for a while because the doctor wants to provoke her telekinesis to understand it better but tells them it's for her own good. When they arrive at Crystal Lake which i assume has been re-named Crystal Lake because in the last movie it was called Forest Green or this is just set before "Jason Lives" although the wiki page says it is set "Years after the previous film" so.. continuity error? They are greeted by a bunch of teens staying next door to throw a surprise party for their friend (Our other Protagonist Rick's cousin). After a night of emotional torture from the doctor Tina runs out to the dock and uses her power to try awaken her father but... DUN DUN DUUUUN It's Jason. So now Jason has once again risen from the dead we're in for a lot of slaughter and can i just take a minute to say i preferred Mrs. Voorhee's approach to killing. Simple slit throat, none of the fancy stuff.
Jason kills Rick's cousin but nobody knows because they're all waiting to throw him a surprise party and know it could be a few days before he arrives. Rick invites Tina to this party and she goes because her Mother thinks it will be good for her but when she's there she gets a vision of the cousin's dead body and runs home where she tries to explain what she saw to her mother and the doctor who both think it was just a delusion. Anyway we carry on like this, Jason kills people. Sexy Rick finds out about Carrie's, I mean Tina's powers. I don't care too much for the other one's deaths but Tina's Mum's death annoyed me because get this. THE DOCTOR PUSHED HER INTO JASON TO SAVE HIMSELF! THAT CUNT! I literally shouted that out when it happened.
From here Tina is constantly trying to kill Jason using her powers, and we get a good look at Jason's face (It's been a while). And i think Jason s dead again because Jason Chases them out to the dock and pushes Rick away into a boat so Tina uses her powers to revive her Father who crashes through the dock, wraps a chain around Jason's neck and drags him under the water. Then as usual the lady passes out and wakes up in a hospital bed. WHERE'S MY PLOT TWIST ENDING?!

Okay, i think i'm mentally prepared enough to speak about this... I think i liked this movie. The parts were very hit and miss, some parts were really engaging and others, not so much. I didn't like how they bought Telepathic powers into it but damn, they did it well. I have only watched two movies that have pulled it off and they're X-men and Carrie. It definitely didn't feel like like a Friday the 13th film and but i like that they didn't just re-use a story line or bring Tommy back again. I just don't know, I'm so conflicted

I think i need to give this a 3.5 stars because it IS very in between.

I guess you should come back for tomorrows review: Friday the 13th: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

Saturday 24 January 2015

REVIEW! Friday the 13th Jason Lives (1986)

We've made it this far, but we're not out of the woods yet.

The usual possibly annoying reminder of what is to come in the next 6 days

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)



Oh my gosh, deep down i want to hate this one but i actually really enjoyed it. The beginning was just too ridiculous but god i enjoyed it. Ok so the beginning confused me a bit because Tommy is the main character again and i'm like.. whaaaat? shouldn't he be in prison for killing that woman in the last movie? Why is there no mention of that? Hold on a second, i'm looking this shit up. FOR ONCE I WAS RIGHT! He did kill Pam. I want to know if he got sent to prison or not! annnywaay, Tommy thinks that the only way he can stop illusions of Jason is by going to the graveyard, digging up his body and burning it, but of course it doesn't go to plan. (I Forgot to mention that Tommy has a very twitchy friend with him) The two men dig up Jasons body and when the coffin is opened Tommy goes a bit nuts and starts stabbing the body with a metal pole leaving it in as he gets the petrol and lighter to bun the body but lighting strokes the pole and some how Jason comes back to life and kills Tommy's friend. Tommy gets in his car and drives to warn the police who just think he's a nut job and put him in a cell.
When morning comes the sheriffs hot daughter Megan and her friends come in complaining that the new counselors for the new opening camp on Crystal Lake (Now re-named Forest Green but let's just keep referring to it as Crystal Lake) have not shown up and they'll be working there all by them selves and Tommy tries to warn them about Jason but they also think he's just crazy but of course this turns Megan on. anyway they begin working but this time the kids actually show up and I'm sat here like "Ohhh fuck those kids are going to be brutally murdered". It's all going well and dandy UNTIL THE COUNSELORS START GETTING PICKED OFF ONE BY ONE BY A GUY IN A MASK!But this time the victims are not as dense as the last few movies for example when a couple encounter Jason on the road the lady says " I've seen enough horror movies to know any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly. " Common sense.
Ok so hot Megan helps Tommy out of the cell so they can track down Jason and kill him but by the time they get there all their friends and the police officers are dead (Including hot chicks dad) but none of the children are harmed *Phew* Tommy lures Jason out into the water and manages to get a chain around his neck and a huge rock thinking that he will sink and suffocate then he will rest forever because that's how he died in the first place here comes the plot twist. WE SEE JASON'S EYE MOVING WHILE HE'S STILL UNDER THE WATER!

Jesus Christ i really really thought i'd hate this film but i didn't. I enjoyed it so so so much and now i'm looking forward to watching the next one just because i'm starting to care about the characters more because they're not completely thick and like "Oh look an unlit room with noises coming from it, better check it by myself with no protection or weapon". I'm really starting to wonder why they keep opening things on Crystal Lake like is 5 killings sprees on that location not just tempting fate? and if you're going to open something up there STOP HAVING SEX! damn horny teenagers! Oh, i've just had to come back to add this because i think it's kinda important. I absolutely love how obviously Jason has come back stronger bit there are points where he pauses to look at something as if he himself cannot believe his own strength, It's a really nice touch but he also has another new trait too... Possibly a soft spot? He had many many chances to kill the kids, he even came face to face with one but he didn't kill them where as normally he would just instantly kill this time he didn't. He walked away. I don't know i guess i'll find out in the next movie.

Right this film gets 4/5 stars

Tomorrows Review: Friday the 13th: The New Blood (1988)

Friday 23 January 2015

REVIEW! Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)

This film was a whole lotta NOPE! Let me explain why.
Here's a reminder of what is to come in the next 7 days

Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)


SO, this time we are in a sort of correctional facility for mental people where Tommy (now 15) has been sent but guess what? JASON HAS RETURNED (I'm cutting this very short because i assume if you're reading the review you've already watched it or you just really enjoy spoilers) after an incident at the correctional facility where one of the patients got annoyed with another and swung an axe into him. So paramedics come to take the body and from there on out "Jason" is making his killings again. Now, if your wondering why i put quotation marks around Jason it's because the killer is not Jason. He is the paramedic disguised as Jason and this is where we find out that the guy who was killed at the beginning was the paramedics son and he was taking revenge but of course a bunch of dreams and accusations lead us to believe it's really Jason. So they kill fake Jason by pushing him out the barn, slicing his hand off leaving him to drop on a bunch of spikes there the mask falls off and ta-daaaa, not Jason. Now for the ever so famous Friday the 13th plot twist ending. Tommy who has once again survived the massacre is laying in bed and has a dream that he kills his friend who's come to check on him. He wakes up all sweaty and stands up walking over to a draw where we see Jason's mask in it. suddenly we're in the hallway focusing on the friend coming to visit when she hears a smashing sound, she runs in to see if he's alright but he is no where to be seen and the window is smash but... And here comes the plot twist, are you ready?! TOMMY IS BEHIND HER IN THE HOCKEY MASK WITH A KNIFE *Que dramatic screaming*

And that was Friday the 13th: A New Beginning.
So here's my question, Is that it for the real Jason? Is Tommy from now on going to be impersonating Jason? Or does real Jason come back as hinted in the next film's title "Jason Lives"? and a final question, how long are they going to milk this thing?

I appreciate the new approach and the more realistic feel to this one (Apart from the weird ass neighbors. What was the point of them again?) and when I say more realistic, i mean more realistic than the past ones. There's a lot more titties in this one too so immediate thumbs up for that but the franchise is getting worn out again. I just don't see why the paramedic went through such effort to be a copycat Jason when he could have just as easily got himself a different mask and also why he targeted everyone in the area instead of just the guy who killed his son. the kid was cool though, really reminded me of the kid from Role-Models. Also just like to take a moment to point out (This was bothering me so much that i couldn't figure out where i recognized him from) the person who played young Tommy is was also in Lost boys and The Goonies.


I'll give is a respectable 2/5 stars

Tomorrows Review: Friday the 13th Jason Lives (Here we go again...)

Thursday 22 January 2015

REVIEW! Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)

Wow, okay. This one surprised me a little. Let's talk about this.

Here's a quick reminder of what will be up in the next 8 days

Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)


So at this point in the franchise we think that Jason is dead and we see his body being taken to the morgue where he is put in "cold storage" but the door is not shut properly. by this point f you look carefully you can see Jason breathing  and obviously he escapes and kills the mortician and a nurse. this is the set up for the rest of the movie. Thinking that Crystal Lake is now safe a group of teens move in next to a family of three. now let's just say the family are the only characters in the franchise so far that I've thought "Man, i hope they don't die". Anyway Jason has returned and is slaughtering these teens and the family's mum. There is a man who is looking for Jason as he killed his sister Sandra from the second movie. He is shortly killed though. So now the only two left are Trish and Tommy (The teenager and kid from the family) and they barricade themselves in but the protection of the house doesn't last long as a body is thrown through the window (JASON, STOP THROWING DEAD BODIES THROUGH PEOPLE'S WINDOWS! IT'S RUDE!). Trish goes off to fight Jason telling her brother to run as soon as she lures him away. Successfully luring him away there's the whole typical "is he dead yet" parts and she returns to the house and hears Tommy's voice as he did not run away. Jason soon follows in and attacks her until Tommy runs downstairs with his his head shaved showing a likeliness to Jason as a child. Jason begins walking towards him feeling very confused giving Trish time to swing the machete but he turns around at the last minute and it takes his mask off showing his real face which is really creepy. terrified by his face Trish begins backing away and Tommy grabs the discarded machete and stabs him in the head with it making Jason fall to the floor. Now we have our lovey brother sister scene where they hug each other because they're so happy to be alive but Tommy notices Jason's hand move and starts hacking away at him shouting "DIE DIE DIE". Time skip and Trish is in hospital asking to see her brother, the doctor tells her only for a moment and they hug tightly but just before the credits Tommy opens his eyes and gives a very sinister look. DUN DUN DUUUUUN!

Can we just take a moment here to contemplate the fact this is called "The Final chapter" yest i'm supposed to be watching "A New Beginning" tomorrow. Okay, now that's been said let's talk about this movie. This one was a lot more gory than the others, you saw a lot more blood and a lot more bodies, i like this in a horror and yet it's still not reverted to cheap jump scares. This definitely held my attention the whole way through and as i mentioned, i actually found characters i didn't want to die. I think it really redeems the franchise after Part III which was really quite shit. I really enjoyed it and i'm super curious about how they carry on after this.

4/5 stars!!!

Tomorrows review: Friday the 13th: A New Beginning

Wednesday 21 January 2015

REVIEW! Friday the,13th Part III (1982)

Right, here we are at the third movie in the franchise.. Let's get this show on the road.

Here's a reminder of what's coming in the next 9 days

Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)


Ok so my prediction was wrong about us finding out what happened to Ginny so we don't really know if Jason went after her or not but i doubt it because I'm starting to think that Jason only went after Alice because she killed his mum. anyway to the plot! Group of teens. House on Crystal Lake. Picked off by masked killer. The same as the last two but in this one we find out that the main character (The survivor as always) Chris has a tragic back story (MEGA SUPER PLOT TWIST!). She tells her boyfriend that they moved away because she was chased and almost killed by a disfigured man (Could it be.... JASON?!) two years earlier. blah blah blah she's the last one living. She attempts to kill Jason and as far as we know succeeds by slicing into his head with a axe. This is where things start to look familiar again when Chris runs out to a canoe and pushes herself in to sleep in until morning. When she wakes up she looks in the window to see Jason looking back at her and then he begins running towards her but within a blink of an eyes he's gone. Felling calm yet again she relaxes and by this point we get it was just an illusion. And i bet you can't guess the next part.. Oh yes. A wild Mrs. Voorhee's appears. Mrs. Voorhee's used grab. It was super effective.

Aaaand then we see Chris carted off in a police car while screaming and laughing clearly very disturbed.

I don't think i enjoyed this movie as much as the other two. It feels like i've watch the same movie three nights in a row. I must say i do enjoy the consistency of Jason using what looks like the same weapon as the one used to kill his mum and i can now see where the famous Friday the 13th hockey mask originates from but as i said i'm bored with the constant repetition of it all and these reviews just keep getting shorter because i don;t feel like writing out the same stuff over and over. Hopefully the next film will be better.

2/5 stars from me

Tomorrows review: Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)

Tuesday 20 January 2015

REVIEW! Friday the 13th Part II (1981)

I have literally just finished watching this and i'm exhausted but here's a reminder of that is to come in the next 10 days

Friday the 13th part III (1982)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)


The beginning of the movie we see Alice, the survivor of the first Friday the 13th and murderer of Mrs. Voorhee in her home after still getting nightmares from the trauma of the last film. When she goes to feed her cat she finds Mrs. Voohee's severed head in her fridge and is then stabbed in the head with an ice pick by an unknown person.

We then skip to 5 years later when a training camp is opened right next to Camp Crystal Lake and if you read my last review this is going to look VERY familiar. Each teen is picked off slowly by and unknown assailant but i guess you could say that the final fight scene was a little bit better than the one in the first movie. Okay, so by now it's pretty obvious it can't be Mrs Voohee but has been heavily implied that Jason is still roaming the woods. This time we have two last people the killer has to finish off Ginny and Paul who come in and find Jason in the corner of the room with a pillow case over his head and he attacks Paul. Not seeing what happened to Paul, Ginny goes through a rather long chase sequence with Jason and after supposedly knocking him out finds Jason's hand made shack in the woods. she runs in and finds a shrine dedicated to his mother with her jumper and severed head with two bodies either side. Hearing Jason approach rapidly she put on Mrs. Voohee's jumper and addressed Jason directly impersonating his mother which he falls for until she goes to slice his head off and he see's the head behind her but luckily Paul grabs him and she cuts into his shoulder and they run away. Once they return to the cabin they think they're safe until they hear a sound at the door. Ready to kill they open it only to find it's a small dog called muffin owned by one of the dead girls. feeling at ease and happy Ginny get's up to go towards the dog but then Jason crashes through the window (DUN DUN DUUUUUN) and grabs her. she then awakes in a bed being taken into an ambiance calling out for Paul but he is nowhere to be seen.

What's my opinion on this film? Oh i'm so glad you asked!

I think this made a very good sequal to the original movie and i liked how they used the same style of camera with the POV shots and the style of it all. It was also very obvious that they planned on making another movie after this due to the cliff hanger ending but i have a feeling when i watch the third tomorrow night


that i'll find out that Paul died saving her life. Jason got away, and Ginny is about to get killed. Just my prediction though. I certainly feel there could have been a lot more to this film but it still is a great sequel as in my experience, squeals are never as good as the real thing. 

I'd give this a 3/5 stars

Tomorrow's review Friday the 13th Part III

Let's also take a moment of silence for Jeff, the one i found rather attractive in this movie. Rest in fictional peace.

Monday 19 January 2015

REVIEW! Friday the 13th (1980)

Friday the 13th is a new series i will be reviewing starting from 1980 all the way up to 2009. I intend to do one film a night and post the review the following day. The reviews will be in this order.
Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th part 2 (1981)
Friday the 13th part III (1982)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)
So let's get cracking with the very first version of Friday the 13th.


Friday the 13th is an american slasher film that was directed by Sean S. Cunningham. It's about a group of teenagers who are employed to fix up Camp Crystal Lake blissfully unaware of the camps "Death Curse".


The film begins with two counselors of Camp Crystal Lake sneak away from a sing along around the fire to have sex when they are attacked and murdered by a unknown killer (POV shots galore!)

A number of years later a group of teens decide to fix up and re-open Camp Crystal Lake but on the first day are interrupted by a storm closing in. Forced into their cabins each character is picked off one by one by an unseen killer until there is only one of the counselors left called Alice Hardy. After going out to find her make sure her boyfriend is okay turning on the generator she finds him pinned to the door by several arrows with his throat slit. With this she barricades herself in one of the cabins until she notices someone driving in so she runs out to ask to help. She is greeted by an older lady calling herself Mrs. Vorhees. It is then we find out that Mrs. Vorhees used to work at the cam as a cook and her son Jason attended the camp then revealing her son had drowned because two of the counselors were too busy having sex to notice her son drowning. At this point she pulls out a knife and charges at Alice telling her it is her fault and this is when our final fight sequence happens as Mrs. Vorhees relentlessly tries to kill Alice. Mrs. Voorhes voice keeps changing from her own to a more childish but sinister voice Supposedly Jason's saying "Kill her Mummy". Eventually Alice decapitates Mrs. Vorhees and gets in a kayak to stay in until morning. When the sun rises and she is awakened by the police coming to rescue her she gets up to wave but is pulled into the water by a mangled child's body. When she is conscious she wakes up in a hospital bed and is told they dragged her out the water and that everyone is dead. When she asks about Jason the police inform her that there was no Jason leaving her with the notion that he is still there.


Ok so this is the part where i express my opinion on this film.. well... I loved it. It was a true classic slasher film and i never found myself bored or wishing things would hurry up. One of my favorite things about this was they didn't use cheap jump scares to try and freak you out, it was eerie all on it's on (I wouldn't go as far as to call it scary). All the way through the film i found myself very invested to a point where i was talking to my screen telling the characters not to go there (Why do they never listen to me?). Although the basic story line is very predictable (But they always are, it's a convention of horror films) they also did put a bit of a twist on it. I loves that they gave Mrs. Vorhees a split personality she was bat-shit-crazy and i loved it. Not to mention this is very good for it's time. Usually with 80's movies you and pick at it and find plot holes and how things could have been done better but for it's time this is great! I highly recommend this movie to lovers of classic horror and people who hate the cheapness of jump scares.

i give this movie a 4/5 stars!

Friday 9 January 2015

REVIEW! Always Sometimes Monsters

Before i begin reviewing this i feel like i have some explaining to do (If anyone even reads my reviews). Ok so i was going to review Game of Thones at first and that took a while for me to get up to date but i realised that the narrative was way too complex to even comprehend explaining or even reviewing (Good series though). then there was the matter of Christmas, new years, my anniversary and getting ill. But i'm back now and this time it's a game review !

Always Sometimes Monsters

Always Sometimes Monsters is a decision based game. Every decision you make effects the next part of the story, i personally have always liked these kinds of games because i enjoy being able to play again and again and it will feel like i'm playing an entirely different game. recently i have been told that the game is unfinished and originally was supposed to go in much more detail which would have been nice. Anyway! Time to explain the plot!



We start our story in Larry's (A recruiter for a writing company) flat where he and the player will agree on a contract as he has faith in your writing skills. Before we go into the story i should explain that the character you play is dependant on who you (Playing as Larry) choose to toast with. Once Larry has agreed to toasting you are now the character (This is so confusing i know!). Ok as the new character you ask if he will wait while you go get your other half on the balcony. You go out on the balcony and can talk to (Almost) anyone out there. immediately they become your love interest. I cannot name the main characters you receive because you pick their names yourself. next up we skip to one year later.

One year later it turns out your life is a mess, you have not payed your rent, your landlord is keeping your things hostage, you never finished your book, your partner left you and you are now living on the streets. On top of all of this you just received a wedding invitation from your ex! Life is not good but you're determined to get to San Verdano to attend their wedding. On your way you encounter many game changing decisions, breaking the law, doing what you can to get by and again sleeping on the streets. At then end your actions determine what ending you get. so lets review the endings i have received so far.


My first ending:
I don't even know if this is a good or bad ending!

In my first ending i gave my old roommate my journal to pay off her debt to the casino. Told Larry (the scum sucking back stabber!) it was mine. Objected the wedding and from there on things got confusing. The homeless person we see at the beginning is the ex roommate. I chose not to shoot her. Then you see her signing books titled Always Sometimes Monster. This confused me, did she get off the streets? Is that My characters journal she's selling? Did her book deal fall through and now she's on the streets? how confusing!? anyway, after this me and the love interest go home and there is nothing i can do but play games.. End of the game? no idea. I didn't find this ending very satisfying.

My second ending:

I again gave the ex roommate my journal because i didn't earn enough money to pay off her debt. I stayed quiet during the ceremony and it turns out I was the homeless one. Again, not a satisfying ending.

My third ending:

I PAID OFF HER DEBT BY MYSELF! (I was so happy about this) So i didn't give the journal away. Objected the wedding, got the love interest AND the book deal! Still don't know if i'm fully satisfied with this ending because the ex roommate STILL ends up homeless!

Honestly i get that they are trying to portray that there is no such thing as a happy ending but i'm say here like.. WHY CAN'T LARRY END UP BEING HOMELESS?!

My review

Okay, well i enjoyed this game other then the unsatisfying endings but as i stated earlier i like a game i can play again to discover different narratives. I enjoyed the narrative. BUT! this game had SO much potential! I wish it was a longer game, there could have been so many different cities to visit before getting there and so many more plots to follow! I was told they never finished the game but why not? did they lose interest? motivation? money? gosh darn! Another complaint i have about this game is the warehouse part when you're putting boxes in the van. HOW MANY?! i did 99 on my first playthrough and he still complained! in my other playthroughs i just did 20 because no matter what he still complains. My honest opinion is the game was a bit pretentious at times. enjoyable on the first playful but playing it a second time makes me kind of feel like the creators had an axe to grind with society and a pretty grim view on people. Maybe they were just being imaginative or kinda... Deep?

I would give this game..
Three stars!!!

Quick question. Did anyone else think Markansas' girlfriend was a stripper? because i did! Even bought a VIP ticket to see if she was back there.

Until next time, guys!